Adam Lambert
July 28, 2009 -
By: Megan Washington | Filmed By: Whitney Johnson
Label: RCA/19
Video Interview: Available here.

* We were talking to Scott before and we asked him if you guys did any activities on the bus, like bunk decorating, or anything—hey some bands do that—and he said, "No," and he nominated you to do that. So, we were just wondering, how do you feel about being in charge of bunk decorating?
Adam: (laughs) Ummm, that's an interesting job. I don't know how--where I should start. The bus is pretty sterile. It's not a very--it's not an environment condusive to decorating. Maybe some cray paper? I don't know. Perhaps, a few streamers, like a party theme on the bus. I don't know. The girls bus, i snuck on it and looked one day—and theirs is decorated, they have colored lights and tapestries. But, I have a feeling the minute I do that on our bus, it will get screwed up or torn down because these boys are boys. They are.

* We've heard the bus is a little messy too.
Adam: It's a little messy.

* If you could pick one song to be the soundtrack to your summer, on repeat, which one song would that be?
Adam: The soundtrack to my summer... See, I've been asked what my theme song is before, and that's "Sex On Fire," by Kings of Leon—but there hasn't been much sex on fire this summer because I'm really busy. So, maybe, um... I don't know. I guess if we have to stay on the Kings of Leon track, you could say my theme song this summer is "Use Somebody." I feel like we're all being used as artists, "use us!"

* Oh, no!
Adam: No, in a good way.
* Oh, in a good way? Okay.
Adam: Use us, use us. You know, it's—I feel like the best part about this experience is that we get to give all of this energy to the audience every night. It feels amazing because it comes back. It's like karma, almost. Like, as much as we put into it, we get back. So, it's definitely—it's like we're using each other.
* In a good way.
Adam: In a good way, yeah, totally.

* The last question is, what would you like to say to all of the people that have been supporting you?
Adam: Thank you. I mean, obviously, what's so great about this show is that if it wasn't for the audience at home, we wouldn't be here. I know that, and I realize that every day that I come to these concerts. I'm really flattered by it. I'm really honored. Although, I do want to say that people should stop spending their money on stuff for me and donate it, or do something productive with it. I don't have anymore room on the bus. I get so many beautiful gifts, but I don't know what to do with them all, it's overwhelming. So, save your money, write me a note or something, but if you're going to spend money in my name—give it to a charity.! It's going to be on my website soon.